
LGBTQIA+ migrants represent a vulnerable group of society that requires crucial attention and support. Due to the lack of accessible information pertaining to the LGBTQIA+ migrant communities, there arose a pressing need for a platform that could provide them and those who work with them with resources and guidance.  

AIR (Arc-en-Ciel International Rainbow) is a platform dedicated to providing information on LGBTQIA+ migration worldwide, with a specific emphasis on Belgium.  

This platform serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking information in the field of LGBTQIA+ and/or migration, offering a comprehensive range of content and resources. Its primary focus lies in addressing the unique challenges and experiences faced by LGBTQIA+ migrants in Belgium and worldwide.
AIR was created by Prisme, with financial support from EGIDES (L’Alliance International Francophone pour l’Égalité et les Diversités) and the Walloon Region. It represents a continuity of the original 'Africa Gay Rights' website, which was initially developed by volunteers and employees of the Maison Arc-en-Ciel in the province of Luxembourg.

The platform aims to cater to the information needs of LGBTQIA+ freedom-seekers, individuals experiencing homelessness, international protection seekers, refugees, and professionals working with them. It highlights support networks both in Belgium and around the world, offering a rich array of services, organisations and association that support and accompany queer migrants.

The platform also includes informative factsheets that shed light on the life situations, challenges, and activism of LGBTQIA+ individuals in various countries that have a significant LGBTQIA+ migrant population. Furthermore, the “Toolbox” section of the website offers a comprehensive collection of documents, podcasts, links, and videos.

These valuable resources provide concerned individuals with a wide range of materials to further their understanding and knowledge about LGBTQIA+ migration.

The website also features testimonials from LGBTQIA+ migrants, primarily asylum-seekers and refugees, who are residing in Belgium. Additionally, the AIR website covers the latest news on a global scale and events concerning rainbow migration in Belgium.

The platform's content has been thoughtfully selected to meet the specific needs of these groups. Valuable insights were gathered through extensive on-the-ground research and engagement with the LGBTQIA+ migrant communities, also Belgian support networks and professionals working in this field.